
“프로듀서로서의 영화제”를 꿈꾼

이전 이후

Somewhere in Between

JEON Jeehee  
Korea 2020 93min DCP Color Fiction
Director’s Note

I spent all day looking for the spring, and spring was nowhere in sight 
I wandered the mountains until my straw shoes were frayed 
I stopped searching for spring and returned home
The apricot blossoms were in full bloom by the fence


The motif for Somewhere in Between came from an old Chinese poem by an unknown author. The poem might seem like a common proverb, without anything special about it—but there was a time when it pierced me to the core. So I just started writing a script and putting together the film and talked about it with some people. I thought I had it figured out. But when I revisited that poem for the first time in years, I was embarrassed to see myself still wandering around the mountains in search of the spring, unaware that my straw shoes were fraying. I can't say whether I will find the apricot blossoms on my fence, but I must get down the mountain before it's too late. JEON Jeehee


Somewhere in Between (2018), Somewhere in Between: Director’s Cut (2020)

Critic’s Note

Our Own Tale of Cinema
At a time in Korea's history when the national judicial examination was becoming a thing of the past, the character Gitae (Lee Donghwi) finishes up his long period of study and returns to his hometown of Beolgyo. Bereft of dreams, passion, and ambition, he has nothing left with him except student loan text messages and an elderly mother (Shin Sinae) whose worries for him leave her unable to sleep. Desperate to find employment, Gitae scrapes out a living with a job at the ticket counter of the Gukdo Theater, an old second-run theater in his neighborhood. There, he meets a sign painter named Mr. Oh (Lee Hanwi).


The feature debut of director Jeon Jeehee, Somewhere in Between is a film much like the signs at the cinema theater in the movie: crude yet somehow charming. It is as unaffected in its attitude as the character of Mr. Oh, and in focusing on the homecoming of a former national examination student, it takes on a more natural quality in that it does not make a point of avoiding the sort of conflicts and scenes that one might expect from such a story. The awkward meetings with friends, the sibling squabbling, and the inevitable goodbyes with cherished loved ones are blended in as part of Gitae's film. Toward the film's end, the characters sit side by side in front of the theater, wordlessly smoking cigarettes. The image conveys the film's message: ‘That's how life is.’


As it placidly captures moments from Gitae's life, the film is naturally suffused with nostalgia for things that have been or are soon to be lost. Whether it is the national examination system that once consumed so many young people's lives, the old theater that is seldom visited anymore, or the unknowable futures that people face, the film accepts even the dreariness and loneliness as parts of life. Yet it does not lose sight of the hope that survives like a wildflower: the idea that ‘life is beautiful (as the slogan on the marquee for Peppermint Candy reads) and that there will be A Better Tomorrow (to quote the title of the John Woo film). PARK Jeong Won


Production MYUNG FILMS LAB (mfl@myungfilm.org)
Distribution MYUNG FILMS LAB (mfl@myungfilm.org)
International Sales MYUNG FILMS (jhbaeck@myungfilm.com)


2021 Wildflower Film Awards Korea Best Supporting Actor (Winner), Best Actor (Nominee)

대안, 독립영화의 중심 영화제

관객과 함께 성장하는 전주국제영화제

JEONJU intl. film festival

2000년, 부분 경쟁을 도입한 비경쟁 영화제로 출범한 전주국제영화제는 국제영화제의 지형에서 독특한 위치를 점해 왔다.

전주의 모토는 동시대 영화 예술의 대안적 흐름과 독립 실험영화의 최전선에 놓인 작품들을 소개하는 것이다.

미래 영화의 주역이 될 수 있는 재능의 발굴, 창의적인 실험과 독립정신을 지지하며,

전 세계 영화작가들이 만나고 연대하는 기회를 제공한다